This stone is located in the Jenneville Cemetery, stone number 0802.
THOMAS HOADLEY was born in England in 1737. Nothing has been learned of his origin except that there seems to be a pretty general belief among his descendants that he was related to the family to which Bishop Hoadly belonged. He came to America with an only brother JOHN HOADLEY and settled near Boston Mass. JOHN was unmarried and was drowned about the time of the Revolution. THOMAS married about 1760 MARY STONE whose origin is unknown. Their children were born it is said near Boston but descendants of their fifth child say he was born in Tewksbury. Thomas Hoadley paid a tax in Brookline in 1771 and 1775. He served in the Massachusetts Line in the Revolution and drew a pension from April 20 1818.
After the war he removed with his family to Hartland Vermont where he bought a farm on which he lived the remainder of his life His wife Mary died there 13 June 1818 aged 80 years He died there 20 June 1829.
Personal Information | ||||||
Prefix: | Last Name: Hoadley | First Name: Thomas | Middle: | Suffix: | Maiden Name: | Sex: male |
Relationship: h/o Mary Hoadley |
Birth Date: 1737 | Death Date: 1829 | Place of Death: | Age at Death: Died in 92th year. | Veteran Status: Veteran Revolutionary War |
Stone Information | |||||
Composition: | Shape: Fancy Top | Condition: Good | State: Up | Legibility: Good | Size (inches): |
Footstone: Unknown | Headstone Exists: yes | Carving: | Carver: | Transcriber: |